Thursday, November 5, 2009 Rocks

I have been in love with this web service since the first day we met and it is only getting better, faster and stronger, just like the song I suppose.

in reference to: / Your Dashboard (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Who Are You?

Well we have to start somewhere and we think that taking the time to define your business/website/goals is the only place to focus until we can answer some simple questions to give us more direction.

If you already have a website up and running and you don't know what it does, what it offers, or what the purpose of the site is when a new visitor comes to it, the odds are the new visitor does not either.

So clearly stating your goals, services or simply what you plan on a visitor doing on the site is not only important on the site itself, but it is important to know this, so you can better market and promote your site correctly as well.  We suggest sitting down with a piece of paper and pen to write out what your website offers others, every website should have a defined purpose and goal.

If you do not have a website yet, maybe you should start with what you think you would like your website to offer the visitors that come to it.  Maybe the purpose is to teach people how to market there website better, that is our goal of course.  You may want to show dog owners better ways to train their dogs, or help people get out of dept. 

These are some examples of a purpose driven site, without a purpose there is no way to focus on serving your customers better, so you must make this "Mission Statement" right off the bat, so you know how to proceed to successfully develop and market your website.

At this point it is also a good idea to walk through the same steps you plan on your visitors taking as they visit your website. If you have a sales page, Is it easy to buy? If you have a email list, Is it easy to sign up?  If you have a ebook product that is free to download, is it simple to find?

These are the questions that many times lead to website re-design, you must see the path of a visitors clicks and make sure that you make the process of getting from your homepage to where ever you want your targeted vistor to end up, is an easy one to follow or simply put, You Will Lose People!

So your homework for the night is defining who you are as a "Website" and as a "Business".  If you can get this down on paper tonight, you will be ready to pick up tomorrow with the next lesson, "Finding Your Niche".

Nick Simpson is a mentor and success coach to many, find him onYouTube or visit his site directly for more free internet marketing tips and resources.

Webmaster Business Plan - Lean how to build a site from scratch and profit from it!

Nick Simpson - EzineArticles Expert Author